Holyfield vs. Tyson: The Rematch
|Press Release Announcing Rematch|
Date: Monday, February 3rd, 1997
Press Conference Held At The Equitable Center NYC.
reported by Nina Rich/Production Supervisor/Showtime New Media
It was a gloomy, gray day in New York City, but for boxing fans, the energy in the air brightened the sky.
It was not long after noon -- just after 12 o'clock high -- and showdown was in the air.
The place:
The 50th floor of New York's Equitable Center where a horde of photographers, television crews and writers are gathered around to get the big dish on the Rematch of the Century. The current reigning heavyweight boxing champ, Evander Holyfield, majestically sauntered to his seat, surrounded by his trainer and manager. "Iron" Mike Tyson, the former champ powerhouse, sat confidently with Team Tyson members Rory Holloway and John Horne at his side.
Don King reigned over the podium with his usual dramatic touch. He brilliantly intertwined references to St. Ides (sponsor of the rematch), Shakespeare's MacBeth, community goodwill, religion and, of course, money into his rousing hyperspeak. He is a top notch showman.
Evander Holyfield's comments revolved around spreading the word of Jesus Christ. "It's not all about me, it's about me spreading The Word" he repeated.
Mike Tyson, in the meantime, announced that he will be training down south. He spent most of this press conference yawning, rolling his eyes and looking bored. And so, Mike Tyson's mental gymnastics seem to have begun.
"I'm prepared, I'm ready, all this talk is bullspit." Mike said.
Very brief responses, punctuated with smug-confidence - that's Iron Mike's style. When asked if his future depends on this fight, Tyson shot from the hip, "You tell me. I'm going to be making...millions this year. You tell me."
The star studded crowd included Spike Lee, the Reverend Al Sharpton and many other luminaries from every arena, including boxing.
© 1997 Showtime Networks Inc.